Sunday, 16 July 2017

Everyday science MCQS(1)

(1)Naegleria fowleri is a disease related to (a)nose(b)skin(c)brain(d)chest
(2)"Meteorology" is the science of (a)weather(b)space(c)marine life(d)none
(3)Biosensor is used to measure (a)blood glucose level(b)the body ph value(c)amount of hemoglobin(d)salinity in urine
(4)What is the main component of bones and teeth?    (a)calcium carbonate(b)calcium phosphate(c)calcium sulphate(d)none
(4)Which mammal lays eggs? (a)Whales(b)Platypus(c)Penguins(d)kiwis
(5)The average time needed for blood clotting is (a)4 min(b)5 min(c)6 min(d)30 seconds
(6)Which animal has the biggest eyes of any living creature? (a)elephant(b)kangaroo(c)owl(d)horse
(7)Which of the following is called the study of fingerprints? (a)dactyliology(b)dactylography(c)demonolography(d)dactylology
(8)Ageusia is the loss of which sense (a)taste(b)touch(c)smell(d)hear
(9)Etymology is the science of (a)insects(b)words(c)birds(d)none
(10)Which part of the body is affected by rhinitis? (a)the ear(b)the nose(c)ribs(d)none
(11)What connects bones and muscles together? (a)Melanin(b)Tendons(c)Quadriceps(d)none
(12)Which planet in our Solar System has the most gravity? (a)Jupiter(b)Earth(c)Mercury(d)Mars
(13)The smallest gland in the body is (a)adrenal(b)pancreas(c)pineal body(d)pituitary
(14)Which are the two gases that we exhale more than we inhale? (a)oxygen & carbon(b)nitrogen & oxygen(c)hydrogen & nitrogen(d)helium and carbon
(15)The study of hair and its disorders is called (a)toxophily(b)tribology(c)tocology(d)trichology
(16)Gene was first isolated in laboratory by (a)J.C. Bose(b)John Napier(c)Hargobind Khorana(d)none
(17)The cause of malaria was discovered by (a)Ronald Ross(b)F.C Hopkins(c)Edward Jenner(d)Dr Paul Muller
(18)Average male brain weights _______ ounces. (a)49(b)44(c)46(d)51
(19)Average female brain weights _______ ounces. (a)51(b)49(c)46(d)44
(20)'Fiber Optics' was invented by (a)George Claude(b)Alfred Binet(c)Narinder Singh Kapany(d)none
(21)Antibiotic "Penicillin" was discovered in (a)1928(b)1938(c)1945(d)1950
(22)Cholera Vaccine was developed by  (a)Edward Jenner(b)Leon Calmethe(c)Jhon Salk(d)Louis Pasteur
(23)What is the chemical name of bleaching powder? (a)Calcium Hypochlorite(b)Calcium Chloride(c)Calcium phosphate(d)none
(24)Study of Bones is called (a)Osteology(b)Oneirology(c)Encephalogy(d)none
(25)Study of Brain is called (a)Nephrology(b)Trichology(c)Encephalogy(d)none
(26)Sun rises in the East and sets in the West due to the  (a)Shape of the Earth(b)Rotation of Earth on its axis(c)Movement of the Sun(d)none
(27)Which animal has the highest blood pressure? (a)Lion(b)Elephant(c)Giraffe(d)Monkey
(28)Thyroid Gland is located in________ of human body? (a)Stomach(b)Thorax(c)Leg(d)Neck
(29)Study of Trees is called (a)Dendrology(b)Hippology(c)Felinology(d)none
(30)Who is known as the father of modern periodic table?  (a)Ernest Rutherford(b)John Dalton(c)Dmitri Mendeleev(d)none
(31)How many hearts does the Octopus has?   (a)1(b)2(c)3(d)4
(32)Study of mouth and its diseases called (a)stomatology(b)enology(c)oenology(d)none
(33)Which is the largest organ of human body?
(34)Who is known as the "mother of forensic science"?
(a)Frances Glessner Lee(b)Marie Curie(c)Rosalind Franklin(d)none
(35)How many bones do sharks have in their bodies? (a)7(b)17(c)27(d)none
(36)Rana tigrina is the most common species of (a)tortoise(b)frog(c)alligator(d)lion
(37)The human brain is composed of nearly_______ fats?
(38)Which is not part of Jet Engine?
(39)Which of the following gases was not present in the Earth's  initial atmosphere?
(a)oxygen(b)nitrogen(c)carbon dioxide(d)hydrogen
(40)Which is part of a jet engine?
(41)The olfactory nerves affect what sense in the brain?
(42)Which is the rarest blood type in humans?
(43)What among the following to produce artificial rain?
(a)copper oxide(b)carbon monoxide(c)silver iodide(d)silver nitrate
(44)Dogs have sweat glands only in which part of their body? (a)tongue(b)tail(c)lips(d)paws
(45)Which planets in our solar system have rings?
(a)saturn(b)jupiter(c)uranus(d)neptune(e)all of the above

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