(1)Biquadratic algebraic expression is a polynomial of degree
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Wednesday, 31 January 2018
Basic Mathematics MCQS(3)
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
Basic Mathematics MCQS(2)
(1)What is the average of first hundred natural numbers? (a)49.5(b)50(c)50.5(d)none
(2)A student failed in a test and obtained only 40 marks.Passing marks was 40%,he failed the test by 40 marks.What were the total marks of the test? (a)150(b)198(c)200(d)220
(3)What is the smallest number which when increased by 3 is divisible by 16,24,30 and 32? (a)472(b)475(c)477(d)480
(4)What number comes next 1,6,36,3,18,108,__________ (a)7(b)8(c)9(d)none
(5)What number is between five and one on a dartboard? (a)20(b)10(c)15(d)3
(6)If K=6×17,then which of the following is a multiple of K? (a)68(b)85(c)136(d)204
(7)Which number will come next? 0,1,8,27,64,_________ (a)122(b)228(c)125(d)256
(8)Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 36 hours and 45 hours respectively.If both the pipes are opened simultaneously,how much time will be taken to fill the tank? (a)20 h(b)22 h(c)25 h(d)27 h
(9)A boy was asked to multiply a certain number by 25.He multiplied it by 52 and got his answer more than the correct one by 324.The number to be multiplied was (a)12(b)15(c)25(d)32
(10)In a 100 m race, A covers the distance in 36 seconds and B in 45 seconds.In this race A beats B by (a)20 m(b)24 m(c)28 m(d)30 m
(11)In examination 40% students fail in Maths, 30% fail in English and 10% in both.Find the pass percentage? (a)40%(b)50%(c)60%(d)none
Sunday, 9 July 2017
Basic Mathematics MCQS (1)
(2)A cage has 20 heads and 48 feets of rabbits and pigeons in it.How many rabbits are in cage? (a)2(b)4(c)11(d)16
(3)A number is increased by10% and then decreased by 10%.The net change in the number is (a)no incrase or decrease(b)2% decrease(c)1% decrease(d)1% increase
(4)What fractional part of a week is 98 hours? (a)7/98(b)7/12(c)1/20(d)1/7
(5)A number consists of 20 plus 20% of its value.The number is (a)15(b)20(c)25(d)none
(6)A Motor cyclist covers 660 feet in 66 seconds.How many yards will he cover in the same time?(a)10(b)100(c)220(d)none
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