Friday, 29 September 2017


(2)Commodious (spacious,ample,comfortable)
(3)Circa means                             (round about,approximately dates)
(4)Ruckus                               (uproar,noisy disturbance)
(5)Moribund                                       (in a dying state,near death)
(6)Foment   (To incite or to instigate)
(7)Nostalgia                                        (a feeling of pleasure and slight sadness when you think about past)
(8)Fulsome                           (Expressing a lot of admiration or praise for someone)
(involved with others in an activity that is unlawful or morally wrong)
(working class or lower class or wage earners)
(Hatred of women)
(friendly atmosphere)
(an event that occurs twice each year)
(15)Sobriquet        (nickname)
(16)Amok               (out of control)
(Management of inventory in motion and at rest.)
(18)Moot (controversial,undecided,unresolved)
(19)Imperative (necessary,compulsory,important)
(20)Candour (openness,frankness,honesty,truthfulness)
(annihilation,end of the world,armageddon)
(building front)
(23)Veer         (change)
(wet land covered with vegetation,bog)
(To disqualify (oneself) as judge in a particular case)
(26)Android        (humanlike)
   (a vessel for water with handle and long spout)
(28)Chaos (disorder)
(29)Expel  (out)
( a machine for making butter)
(The central body of an aircraft)
(31)Conscientious (diligent,industrious,hardworking)
(to fall or drop very quickly)
(a dark shape seen against a light background,shade)
(reside,live,stay,live in or at a specified place)
(a jailer)
(denoting a judge of a superior court inferior in rank to chief justices.)
(A stock of weapons or a building where weapons and military equipment are stored)
(a wide road in a city, usually with trees on each side, main road)
(Of or relating to a meal)
(It is an association of two or more individuals,companies,organizations  or governments)
(File, report or a dossier is a collection of papers or other sources, containing detailed information about a particular person or subject.)
(The language spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.)
(violent, out of control)
(insulting or abusive language)
(review, reconsideration, reexamination)
(Refill, recharge, reload)
( It is a premeditated extrajudicial killing by a group, mob justice )
( art of persuasive speaking or writing)
(Brief outlines, Summaries)
(difficult situation, awkward situation)
(It is a Russian word for ruler or emperor)
(assistance, aid, help)
(an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country.)
(blunder, mistake, error)
(model, pattern, example)
(obsolete, out of date, old fashioned)
(liking, fondness, preference)
(someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment)
(uncontrolled, unchecked, epidemic)
(Dementia is a loss of thinking, remembering and reasoning skills)
(Spying, undercover work, surveillance)
(a glass or plastic box that is used for growing plants or keeping small animals indoors, aquarium, cage)
(a group of people with a shared characteristic, companion, unit, squad)
(oppression, victimization, ill treatment, maltreatment)
(trial, legal action)
(ease, temporary relief, respite)
(private detective, investigator, inquiry agent)
(rule, control or leadership by one person with absolute power, autocracy)
(empty, blank, devoid, vacant)
(whip, lash, curse, bane, affliction)
(blunder, mistake)
(soft wet earth, mud)
(To attack with nuclear weapon)
(a young person or a thing that is extraordinary, genius, sensation, miracle)
(a strong and very unpleasant smell)
(blended, mixed)
(reject, refuse, repudiate, turn down)
(painting, photograph, scene, view)
(rascal, dishonest or unprincipled person, monster, villain)
(behind the scenes, clandestine, covert, secret)


(A long story of heroic achievement)



Sunday, 24 September 2017

Name of Spices

(1)Fenugreek         (maithee)
(2)Turmeric            (haldee)
(3)Dry-ginger          (soonth)
(4)Aniseed              (sonf)
(5)Coriander            (dhaniya)
(6)Popy-seed           (khashkhaash)
(7)Omumseed          (ajwaaian)
(8)Cinnamon             (daar cheeni)
(9)Cumin                    (zeera)
(10)Cardamom           (aalaaichi)

Name of Vegetables

(1)Brinjal          (بینگن)
(2)Mint             (پودینه)
(3)Arum            (اروی)
(4)Spinach        (پالک)
(5)Capsicum      (شملا مرچ)
(6)Collinquida     (teenda)
(7)Bittergourd      (کریلا)
(8)Longgourd        ( گهیا توری)

Name of Fruits and Dry Fruits

(1)Fig                     (انجیر)
(2)Guava               (امرود)
(3)Damson            (آلو بخارا)
(4)Citron                (چکوترا)
(5)Grewia              (فالسه)
(6)Walnut              (akhrot)
(7)Tamarind          (املی)
(8)Pistachio          (پسته)
(9)Dry-date            (چوهارا)
(10)Emblic            (آملا)
(11)Berry               (بیر)

Important General Terms


Apartheid was a system of racial segregation in South Africa enforced through legislation by the National Party.

In 1986 the term was used by Mikhail Gorbachev as a political slogan for increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities in the Soviet Union.
                    (3)What is an Emoji?

Emoji is a computer language,just like alphabets in English.It consists of little colourful images used in expressing an idea or emotion in electronic communication.

Important Quotes

(1)An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.                    (Benjamin Franklin)

(2)Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.                      (Thomas Jefferson)

(3)No legacy is so rich as honesty. (William Shakespear)

(4)Honesty is the besty policy. (Benjamin Franklin)

(5)"Be brave.Take risks.Nothing can substitute experience."
(Paulo Coelho   Novelist)

(6)"Truth is like the Sun.You can shut it out for a time,but it ain't going away."
(Elvis Presley   Singer)

(7)"If you tell the truth,you don't have to remember anything."
(Mark Twain    Writer)

(8)"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships."
(Michael Jordan    Basketball Player)

(9)"Philosophy of classroom in one generation will be the policy of government in the next generation."(Abraham Lincoln)

(10)"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
(Abraham Lincoln)

(11)"If you cannot do great things,do small things in a great way."  (Napoleon Hill    author)

(12)"Do not mind anything that anyone tells you about anyone else.Judge everyone and everything for yourself."
(Henry James   author)

(13)Success is no accident.It is hard work,perseverance,learning,studying,sacrifice and most of all,love of what you are doing or learning to do.
(Pele    Brazilian footballer)

(14)Write your own book instead of writing someone else's book about success.
(Herb Brooks    Ice hockey player)

(15)"Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master".
(Christian Lous Lange      historian)

(16)"In my judgement, physical fitness is basic to all forms of excellence and to a strong confident nation."
(Robert Kennedy     Politician, Lawer)

(17)"A single conversation across the table with a wise man is better than ten years mere study books."
(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow   poet)

(18)"A man only learns in two ways, one by reading and the other by association with smarter people."
(Will Rogers  actor)

(19)"We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds." (Aristotle Onassis    Businessman)

(20)Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.
(Albert Einstein)

(21)Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
(Nelson Mandela)

(22)"Transparency is a cornerstone of Good Governance as it allows citizens everywhere to hold institutions and governments accountable for their policies and performance."
(Dr. Sipho Moyo)

(23)"Transparency is the key to good goverance and e-governance is the only effective way of transparent governance."
(Narendra Modi)

(24)"Whoever controls the media, controls the mind."
(Jim Morrison)

(25) "A single conversation across the table with a wise man is better than ten years of mere study of books."
(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow     American poet, educator)

(26)"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hardwork and learning from faliure. "
(Colin Powell   Politician)

(27)"If you want your child to get the best education possible, it is actually more important to get him assigned to a great teacher than to a great school."
(Bill Gates)

(28)"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young."
(Henry Ford)

(29)"Life is like riding a bicycle.To keep your balance, you must keep moving."
(Albert Einstein)

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Unique English Words

(1)Mesmerism means  (Hypnotism)
(2)Wee     (thora sa, little bit)
(3)Toady  (chaaploos, khushaamdi)
(4)Jewry   (yahoodion ka mohalla)
(5)Buoy     (uchaalna,tairtay rehna)
(6)Capsize means                                  (a boat overturned into the water)
(7)Insignia      (a distinguishing badge or emblem of military rank )

Earn Cash by Participating Competition


(1)Which muslim country apposed Pakistan's entry into UNO? (a)afghanistan(b)nigeria(c)turkey(d)albania (2)When gathered in a group whi...

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