My blog is about Multiple Choice Questions of General Knowledge.It is good for preparation of Competitive Exams like PPSC,FPSC and NTS.
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Saturday, 30 December 2017
Friday, 29 December 2017
Thursday, 28 December 2017
Wednesday, 27 December 2017
Sunday, 24 December 2017
Monday, 18 December 2017
Interview Preparation Headmaster
(1)Tell me about yourself?
(2)Teaching methods used for different classes?
(3)What makes a good teacher?
(4)Leadership vs management
(5)Administration vs management
(6)Vision vs mission
(7)Define Bureaucracy
(8)What is MBO
(9)What is good governance.
(10)Difference between Education and Literacy.
(11)Behaviour vs attitude
(12)Public administration and its scope
(13)What is Continuous Professional Development?
(14)What is job description of Headmaster?
(15)Difference between goals and objectives?
(16)School registers
(17)Duties and responsibilities of Headmaster?
(18)Difference between guidance and counseling?
(19)SMC structure and its functions.
(20)Leaves and pension rules
(21)PEEDA Act
(22)Drawbacks of Pak education system and suggestions for improvement?
(23)Basic concepts of Islam
(24)What is the hierarchy of education department?
(25)How will you create friendly environment in your school?
(26)What will you do as a Headmaster when a teacher comes to you with 4 to 5 students who are constantly misbehaving in class or refusing to do class work?
(27)Some sentences on honesty.
(28)Solo Taxonomy and Bloom Taxonomy.
(29)Education Policies
(30)Micro teaching concept
(31)Piaget's theory of cognitive development.
(32)Qualities of Headmaster
(33)Principles to prepare timetable
(34)Class room management
(35)Dropout causes and suggestions to improve
(36)Lesson planning
(37)Information about your district
(38)Difference between measurement,assessment and evaluation?
(39)Types of assessment
(40)Difference between Brainstorming, Brain drain and Brainwashing?
(41)Difference between inspection and supervision?
(42)Curriculum development
(43)Accountability and Tools of Accountability
Interview Preparation General Questions
(1)Tell me about yourself.
(2)How to maintain discipline in your institution.
(3)How to create motivation within the staff.
(4)How will you lead your staff.
(5)What are the qualities of a good speaker.
(6)What were your responsibilities in last job.
(7)What major challenges and problems did you face? How did you handle them?
(8)What have you learned from your mistakes?
(9)What did you like or dislike about your previous job?
(10)What was the biggest accomplishment / failure in this position?
(11)Why do you want to change job?
(12)What is your greatest strength?
(13)What is your greatest weakness?
(14)Are you lucky?
(15)Are you nice?
(16)Do you work well with other people?
(17)How do you handle stress and pressure?
(18)What motivates you?
(19)What has the greatest dissappointment in your life?
(20)What are your hobbies?
(21)Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?
(22)Give some examples of team work?
(23)What type of work environment do you prefer?
(24)How do you evaluate success?
(25)Why should we hire you?
(26)What is your success rate?
(27)Decision making process
(28)Where do you see in next 15-20 years.
(29)What would you do if you get better employment opportunity somewhere?
(30)Theories of Leaderships
Friday, 15 December 2017
Important Business Terms
Bureaucracy is a body of non elective government officials or an administrative policy making group.
The skill of making or carrying out plans to achieve a goal.
Benchmarking is comparing an organization's processes and products to the world's best.
The process of launching a new venture,organizing the resources it requires and assuming the risks it entails.
The combined activity of two or more subsystems that results in better performance than when the unit work in isolation.
Sunday, 3 December 2017
Pair Of Words
(1)Spate (deluge,flood)
Spat (dispute,quarrel)
(2)We (hum)
Wee (thora sa,little bit)
(3)Today (aaj)
Toady (chaaploos,khushaamdi)
(4)All (tamaam,saara)
Awl (aar ya needle ya suwa seenay k liye)
(an open space in a wood or forest)
Glad (khush)
(6)Quake (kaanpna,shiver)
Quack (to cry like a duck)
(7)Google (Search engine)
Googol (10^100 or 1 followed by 100 zeroes)
(8)Metrology (science of measurement)
Meteorology (study of atmosphere)
(9)Paean (hymn of praise,anthem)
Peon (servant,unskilled laborer)
(10)Hoarse (a person's voice sounding rough and harsh)
Horse (gorra animal,stallion)
(11)Reed (sarkandda or kaanaa)
Read (parrna,study)
(12)Mesquite (a small spiny shrub of the south west)
Mosquito (insect)
Foreign Phrases
(1)Sub Judice
(Under judicial consideration)
(2)Magnum Opus
(A great work)
(3)Au revoir
(motor car driver)
(5)Dei gratia
(by the grace of God)
(a street or passage closed at one end)
(7)Deja vu
(promnesia, already seen)
(8)Sauve qui peut
(save yourself if you can)
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(1)Which muslim country apposed Pakistan's entry into UNO? (a)afghanistan(b)nigeria(c)turkey(d)albania (2)When gathered in a group whi...
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