Thursday, 1 November 2018

General Knowledge MCQS(5)

(1)"Big Apple" is a nickname for
(a)New York City(b)Ottawa(c)Lahore(d)Paris
(2)"Murmansk" is a famous city located in
(3)"Statue of Unity" is located in (a)USA(b)China(c)Sri Lanka(d)India
(4)What is the only bird that can move both the upper and lower parts of its beak?
(a)humming bird(b)parrot(c)owl(d)penguin
(5)What is the dropping and replacement of feathers in birds called?
(6)Name the fish that can taste with all its body?
(a)electric eel(b)star fish(c)mahaseer(d)catfish
(7)Which bird can rotate its head to 180 degrees on either side?
(a)humming bird(b)owl(c)parrot(d)none
(8)"Pingtung City" is located in
(a)People's Republic of China(b)Republic of China(c)South Korea(d)North Korea
(9)"The Srebrenica massacre" killing more than 8000 people was occurred on
(a)june 1992(b)March 1993(c)April 1994(d)July 1995
(10)What is the collective name of Vultures in flight?
(a) A Clowder(b)murder(c)A Kettle(d)mollusa
(11)A group of nightingales is called:
(12)A group of owls is called a
(13)How many total Roman numerals are?
(14)What kind of animal is a drever? (a)crow(b)monkey(c)dog(d)horse
(15)Which is the highest free standing mountain(from sea level to top) in the world?
(a)K 2(b)Mount Everest(c)Mount Kilimanjaro(d)Nanga Parbat
(16)Bramley, Granny, Smith and Russet are all types of which fruit? (a)guava(b)pomgranate(c)apple(d)grapes
(17)A word, number, phrase or ther sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as madam, racecar or the number 10801 is called?
(18)Which country financed Christopher Columbus 1492 exploration? (a)spain(b)italy(c)england(d)none
(19)Huka Falls are a set of waterfalls located in (a)Canada(b)New Zealand(c)Venzuela(d)USA
(20)A person on an internship is called
(a)intern(b)internee(c)both a and b(d)none
(21)A person who is confined as a prisoner, especially for political or military reasons is called (a)intern(b)internee(c)the pokey(d)the hoosegow
(22)Which is the only planet in our solar system to rotate clockwise?

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Interesting Facts

(1)An Octopus has 3 hearts, 9 brains and blue blood.
(2)Which creature never dies? (Turritopsis dohrnii Jellyfish)
(3)Which animal can live without water for life time?
(Kangaroo rat)
(4)Which animal dies when he drinks water?
(Kangaroo rat)
(5)Which insect can live without its head for a week?
(6)Which animal cries like human after being injured?
(7)Which animal cannot physically directly see towards the sky?
(8)Which animal has 3 eyes in the world?
(Tuatara Lizard)
(9)Which flower's weight is upto 10 kilogram?
(10)Which creature that dies immediately after giving birth to a child?
(11)Which creature whose heart is as big as a car?
(Blue Whale)
(12)Which animal can see even with its closed eyes?
(13)Jellyfish have no brain, heart, bones or eyes.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

General Knowledge MCQS(4)

(1)Who is called the "Mother of Modern Day Civil Rights Movements"?
(a)Wangari Maathai(b)Rosa Parks(c)Mother Teresa(d)none
(2)"Land of my Fathers" is the National Anthem of which country?
(3)"Unicorn" is the national _____ of scotland?
(a)Educational institution(b)animal(c)flower(d)crop
(4)A group of pandas is called a/an (a)murder(b)serene(c)embarrassment(d)ancient
(5)Nokia was originally founded in 1865 as a ______ company?
(a)computer(b)mobile(c)paper printing(d)gas
(6)Phoenix is a/an
(a)imaginary bird(b)Capital of USA state Arizona(c)Both a and b(d)Computer company
(7)A group of _____ is called an army?
(8)Where is Java?
(9)How many eyes are there on a coconut?
(10)Which feature allows you to watch more than one TV programme simultaneously?
(a)Auto turf(b)tivo(c)picture in picture(d)V-chip
(11)Which animal can live without water for life time?
(a)crocodile(b)camel(c)kangaroo(d)kangaroo rat
(12)Hippophobia is the fear of what?
(13)The Hippocampus is associated mainly with
(14)Ho Chi Minh (saigon) is the name of city and Former Prime Minister of which country?
(a)Vietnam(b)Petrograd(c)South Korea(d)China
(15)Chichen itza was located in (a)Mexico(b)Chechen Republic of lachkeria(c)Korea(d)philipine
(16)Which country is called Land of the blue sky?
(a)Pakistan(b)North Korea(c)Mangolia(d)Taiwan
(17)A place where coins are made is called
(18)Which country's president changes every year?
(19)"Crows feet" would be located what body parts?
(20)Which mountain is nicknamed the "Savage Mountain"?
(a)K2(b)Nanga Parbat(c)Mount Everest(d)Tirch Mir
(21)"Machu Picchu" is a 15th century inca citadel located in
(22)"Donkey Kong" is a
(a)animated film(b)video game(c)british rock band(d)ancient korean president
(23)The book "The Voyage of the Beagle" is written by
(a)Charles Darwin(b)Vasco da gama(c)Albert Einstein(d)Megellan
(24)A "Jiffy" is an actual unit of time for _________ of a second. (a)1/10th(b)1/100th(c)1/1000th(d)1/10000th
(25)Which city is known as city of seven islands?

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Rare English Vocabulary (2)

(1)Patridge                     (تيتر)
(2)Head and Trotters     (sri paae)
(3)Pine nuts                    (چلغوزه)
(4)Radish pods               (moongray)
(5)Ice candy                    (Qulfi)
(6)Popsicle                     (wide qulfi)
(7)Porcupine                   (خارپشت, kaante daar janwar, kaanto wali saairr)
(8)Corncob                       (چهلی)

Pakistan Studies MCQS (2)

(1)The famous forest 'Changa Manga' was named after two brothers they were (a)engineers(b)dacoits(c)environmentalists(d)farmers
(2)Which of the following is called  the State bird of Pakistan?
(a)Ostrich(b)Chakor(c)Peregrine Falcon(d)none
(3)Which is the National Fish of Pakistan?
(a)Indus Dolphin(b)Mahseer(c)Rohu(d)none
(4)Shrine of Sultan Bahoo is located in (a)jhang(b)ahmdaabad(c)multan(d)none
(5)Minar-e- Pakistan was built between
(a)1940 to 1958(b)1950 to 1960(c)1960 to 1968(d)none
(6)Which of the following Prime Minister of Pakistan is buried alongwith Quaid-e-Azam in Mazar-e-Quaid?
(a)Khawaja Nazimuddin(b)I.I Chundrigar(c)Nurul Amin(d)Malik Feroz Khan Noon
(7)Future capital site was named Islamabad on which date?
(a)14 Feb 1959(b)14 June 1960(c)24 Feb 1960(d)none
(8)Islamabad Capital Development Authority was created on
(a)14 June 1960(b)14 August 1967(c)14 Feb 1960(d)none
(9)Islamabad became the capital of Pakistan?
(a)14 Feb 1960(b)14 August 1967(c)24 Feb 1960(d)none
(10)Karachi served as pakistan's capital from 14 August 1947 to 01 August 1960.
(11)Rawalpindi served as provisional capital of pakistan from 01 August 1960 to 14 August 1967.
(12)Dhakha served as legislative capital from 1966 to 1971.
(13)The Indian Statuatory Commission commonly referred to as Simon Commission was a group of _________ British Members of Parliament?
(14)Ojhri Camp incident took place in Rawalpindi killing more than 1300 people on
(a)10 april 1988(b)10 april 1989(c)10 april 1990(d)none
(15)Major Raja Abdul-Aziz Bhatti was born in 1928 in (a)Pakistan(b)China(c)Hong kong(d)Saudi Arabia
(16)Which state was attacked by India on 11th september 1948? (a)Hyderabad Daccan(b)Jammu and Kashmir(c)Junagarh(d)none

Friday, 20 July 2018

All BISE Punjab Boards Results Codes Via SMS

(1)Lahore Board              (80029)

(2)Gujranawala Board    (800299)

(3)Rawalpindi Board       (800296)

(4)Sargodha Board          (800290)

(5)Sahiwal Board             (800292)

(6)Multan Board               (800293)

(7)DG Khan Board            (800295)

(8)Faisalabad Board        (800240)

(9)Bahawalpur Board       (800298)

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Headmaster/Education MCQS(4)

(1)Who invented the idea of homework?
(a)Roberto Nevilis(b)Aristotle(c)John Dewy(d)Gordon Brown
(2)The 'Symposium' is a  philosophical text by (a)socrates(b)plato(c)aristotle(d)alexender
(3)Who is considered the Father of modern education?
(a)Johan Amos Comenius(b)Johann Heinrich(c)Aristotle(d)none
(4)A process of looking at what is being assessed is called
(5)What act of teacher foster a sense of autonomy in the learning process? (a)instructor(b)facilitator(c)delegator(d)formal authority
(6)Summative assessment is an assessment ____________ learning? (a)to(b)of(c)by(d)for

Saturday, 30 June 2018

Headmaster/Education MCQS(3)

(1)The conclusion of a deductive argument is (a)experience(b)certain(c)probable(d)observation
(2)The truth of the conclusion of an inductive argument is (a)certain(b)probable(c)observation(d)experience
(3)According to John Dewy, schools must prepare students for
(a)present life(b)future life(c)entrepreneurship(d)research

Monday, 25 June 2018

IQ Test

(1)If the day that will dawn two days after tomorrow is Friday, what day of the week dawned two days before yesterday? (a)saturday(b)sunday(c)monday(d)tuesday

(2)A man is 5 years older than his wife who is ten times old as her daughter, if the daughter attains the age of 8 in 3 years time, what is the age of the man?
(a)35 y(b)45 y(c)50 y(d)55 y

(3)A mother tells her daughter, "I was your present age when you were born." If mother is 36 now, how old was the daughter 5 years back? (a)10 y(b)13 y(c)16 y(d)18 y

(4)If 100 cats kill 100 mice in 100 days,then 4 cats would kill 4 mice in how many days?
(a)1 day(b)4 days(c)40 days(d)100 days

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Jobs for Online Earning


(1)A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days, then leaves on Friday.How did he do it?

(2)What Starts with a P and ends with an E and has a million letters in it?

(3)Three doctors said that Robert was their brother while Robert said that he had no brothers. Who is lying?

(4)What is it when dry 2kg, when wet 1kg and burnt 3kg?

(5)Where does Friday come before Thursday?

(6)"I am black when you buy me, red when you use me and grey when you through me away? What am I?

(1)His horse's name was Friday
(2)Post Office
(3)None, the doctors were his sisters
(5)In the dictionary

Saturday, 17 February 2018

General Knowledge MCQS(3)

(1)How many days are there in a fortnight?
(2)A book 'Pathway to God' was written by (a)Ch.Khaleequzaman(b)Mahatma Gandhi(c)Maulna M.Ali Johar(d)Jawahar Lal Nehru
(3)Who is known as the Father of Accounting and Bookeeping?
(a)Luca Pacioli(b)Ibn -i-Khaldun(c)Chanakya(d)none
(4)Who is Considered as the Father of Modern Algebra?
(a)Muhammad Al-khwarzmi(b)Emmy Thoethern(c)Allan Turing(d)none
(5)Who called the English a nation of shopkeepers?(a)Hitler(b)Napolean(c)Mussolini(d)Quaid -i- Azam
(6)Tour de France is a
(a)capital name(b)multiple stage bicycle race(c)ancient french city(d)term used for french tourists
(7)Which of the following is the capital of Republic of China?
(8)Who is regarded as the Father of the Independence of six South American countries: Venezuela,Colombia,Ecuador,Panama,Peru and Bolivia?
(a)Santiago Marino(b)Simon Bolivar(c)Barnardo O'Higgins'(d)none
(9)Where is the headquarter of Asian Cricket Council (ACC) located in (a)Pakistan(b)India(c)Bangladesh(d)Sri Lanka
(10)Which of the following newspaper is called "The Gray Lady"?
(a)The New York Times(b)The Mercury News(c)The Economist(d)none
(11)Azadi Square is located in (a)Lahore(b)Tehran(c)Dhaka(d)Mumbai
(12)Xinghai Square is located in (a)Beijing(b)Shanghai(c)Dalian(d)Hotan
(13)Guru ki Nagari is the nickname of
(a)Hassan abdal(b)Nankana Sahib(c)Amritsar(d)Chakwal
(14)The Longest River Nile is an internationa river as its drainage basin covers how many countries?
(15)Harald Bluetooth was a
(a)inventor of Bluetooth(b)king of Denmark(c)Editor of a Digest(d)Computer Scientist
(16)Isan and Pak Tai are languages largely spoken in (a)Indonesia(b)Pakistan(c)Thailand(d)none of the above
(17)Vande Mataram is a _______ poem written by Bakim Chandra Chatterjee in 1870s  (a)Indian(b)Bengali(c)Nepali(d)Burmi
(18)Vande Mataram poem was composed into song by
(a)Bakim Chatterjee(b)Rabindarnath Tagore(c)Chandra Gupta Jee(d)none
(19)Vande Mataram is an Indian National (a)anthem(b)song(c)both(d)none
(20)"Jana gana mana " is the National _____ of India? (a)anthem(b)song(c)poem(d)all of the above
(21)The Charles River is located in (a)Australia(b)UK(c)USA(d)India
(22)Kombucha is a
(a)new trendy drink(b)capital(c)city in africa(d)ancient ruler's name
(23)"Nokor Reach" is the national anthem of which country?
(24)"Freedom or Death" is the motto of
(a)jammu and kashmir(b)pelstine(c)greece(d)iraq
(25)Who is the founder of the Green Belt Movement?
(a)Wangari Maathai(b)Rosa Parks(c)Imran Khan(d)Xijinping

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Headmaster/Education MCQS(2)

(1)Immediate outcomes of classroom instructions are called
(2)Which from the following is not an informal assessment?
(a)assignment(b)rating scale(c)disscussion(d)observation
(3)Which of the following is not instructional material?
(a)transparency(b)video casset(c)over head projector(d)printed material
(4)Which from the following is not a formal assessment?
(5)If you would be a teacher,how would you like to behave with your students?
(a)as the conditions permit(b)autocratic(c)democratic(d)laissezfare
(6)The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactics was?
(a)John Dewy(b)Jean Piaget(c)Martin Wagenschein(d)Lev Vygotsky
(7)According to John Dewy,the teacher should guide  students the way of the knowledge as a _________ in learning process?
(8)Recruiting source which is not expensive in organization
(a)advertisement(b)employment opportunities(c)employee referrals(d)temporary rental services
(9)Leadership is 
(a)The ability and readiness to inspire,guide,direct others(b)process of influencing the activities of organized group(c)The activity to inspire,manage and influence in the task of goal setting(d)none
(10)The computer based teaching model has been developed by
(a)Robert Gagne(b)Helda Taba(c)Gilbert(d)Stolurow and Davis
(11)In which university micro-teaching system started in 1961? (a)Stanford university(b)Oxford university(c)Cambridge university(d)Hardvard university
(12)Traditionally, Curriculum means
(a)a list of topics for teaching(b)reading material for students(c)textual material for teachers(d)none
(13)National Education Association (NEA) belongs to (a)USA(b)Japan(c)UK(d)Australia
(14)The Socratic method is known as
(a)Demonstration method(b)Discussion method(c)Lecture method(d)Dialectic method
(15)Ibn-e-Khaldun was against which method
(a)Lecture method(b)Discussion method(c)Question answer method(d)Problem solving method
(16)Open door policy is an aid to
(a)Downward Communication(b)Upward Communication(c)Both (d)none
(17)The word "Pedagogy" means     (a)to understand the child(b)to educate the child (c)to guide the child(d)to lead the child
(18)A scoring guide use to evaluate the quality of students is called (a)rubrics(b)checklist(c)rating scales(d)none
(19)As people grow older, the _______ of learning declines. (a)speed(b)power(c)quality(d)quantity
(20)Which from the following should be used to increase correct responses and appropriate behaviour?
(21)Which from the following should be used to decrease minor inappropriate behaviour?
(a)negativity(b)strict behaviour(c)ignorance(d)reward
(22)According to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an (a)good citizen(b)thinker(c)entrepreneur(d)reasoning man
(23)To educate an individual is the education of whole (a)family(b)community(c)society(d)all of the above
(24)Basic element of education system is (a)curriculum(b)student(c)instructor(d)assessment
(25)Curriculum is "the school environment in motion" was said by (a)kilpatric(b)frobel(c)tyler(d)none

Thursday, 1 February 2018

غزوات کو یاد رکهنے کا فارمولا


ا=ابوا  1 هجری 623 عیسوی
ب=بدر  2هجری 624 عیسوی
ا=احد    3 هجری 625 عیسوی
ر=رجیح 4 هجری 626 عیسوی
خ=خندق 5 هجری 627 عیسوی
ح=حدیبیه 6 هجری 628 عیسوی
م=موته     8 هجری  629 عیسوی

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Saturday, 20 January 2018


(1)Mashoor drama Sona Chandi kis ne likha hai
(Munno Bhai   Munir Ahmad Quraishi)

Friday, 19 January 2018

Headmaster/Education MCQS(1)

(1)Who claimed that education is a process of physical and moral development:
(2)Concept of meaningful learning through perception was presented by
(a)David Ausubel(b)J.S.Bruner(c)Pavlo(d)skinner
(3)Concept of meaningful learning through structure of content and discover was presented by
(a)David Ausubel(b)J.S.Brune(c)Skinner(d)none
(4)Assessment of how well a school is performing is
(a)administration(b)supervision(c)inspection(d)all of the above
(5)Coordinating,stimulating and directing the growth of teacher is the purpose of (a)administration(b)supervision(c)management(d)inspection
(6)Study of great books is at the core of (a)perennialism(b)essentialism(c)progressivism(d)reconstructionism
(7)Programmed learning was presented by
(a)B.F Skinner(b)J.S Bruner(c)Benjamin Bloom(d)none
(8)Which philosopher most clearly rejected the idea that the mind is separable from the body?
(9)Ability to develop a life style based upon the preferred value system is (a)responding(b)valuing(c)organizing(d)characterizing
(10)What is the most important component of school establishment?
(11)Which assumption is pillar for school improvement?
(a)implementing strategies(b)educational goals(c)a key focus for change(d)teaching strategies
(12)Useful culture and skill is emphasized in (a)perennialism(b)essentialism(c)progressivism(d)none
(13)Which test measure basic knowledge and skills?
(a)mastery test(b)aptitude test(c)achievement test(d)none
(14)Which of the following term is most inclusive?
(15)Systematic error is associated with
(a)reliability(b)validity(c)system(d)all of the above
(16)When was the National Curriculum introduced?
(17)The method based on the psychological principle of "Trial and Error" is
(a)heuristic method(b)problem solving method(c)project method(d)activity method
(18)__________  is considered the father of research on teaching?
(a)Edward le thorndike(b)Joseph Mayer Rice(c)Leon Tyler(d)N.L Gage
(19)Sensory data is interpreted by (a)intuition(b)reason(c)traditions(d)experience
(20)The cultural needs can be fulfilled by means of
(a)general education(b)professional education(c)society(d)all of the above
(21)__________ research occurs when the researches manipulates the independent variables.
(a)causal-comparative research(b)experimental research(c)mixed research(d)none
(22)Students can design a laboratory according to certain specification in which category of objective?
(23)The head of the organization/institutes acts as a
(a)manager(b)supervisor(c)counsellor(d)all of the above
(24)Specific Objectives are synonyms to
(a)course objectives(b)general objectives(c)behavioural objectives(d)aims
(25)The Academy was founded by (a)plato(b)socrates(c)aristotle(d)all of the above
(26)Which is not a modern supervision?
(a)formal supervision(b)broader outlook(c)unmodernization(d)none
(27)Try to understand something new by fitting it what is already known is (a)organization(b)accommodation(c)assimilation(d)equilibrium
(28)Stimulus is necessary for response in
(a)classical conditioning(b)operant conditioning(c)both a and b(d)none
(29)Change in behaviour is due to reinforcement in
(a)classical conditioning(b)operant conditioning(c)both(d)none
(30)Translation of concrete experiences,development of logical thinking are given by (a)Bruner(b)Skinner(c)Piaget(d)all of these
(31)Which of the following is not a cardinal virtue?
(32)A curriculum system has ______primary functions.
(33)Athens became the classrooms of (a)plato(b)socrates(c)aristotle(d)all of these
(34)Research in which the researcher uses the qualitative paradigm for one phase and the quantitative paradigm for another phase is known as
(a)action research(b)mixed model research(c)mixed method research(d)none
(35)The most critical factor needed to make teaching a true profession is
(a)an improved salary scale(b)a longer period of training(c)better spirit among teachers(d)discipline of its own members
(36)Lecture method is considered important in (a)perennialism(b)existentialism(c)reconstructionism(d)none
(37)The lab school was founded by John Dewy in (a)1800(b)1832(c)1866(d)1896
(38)Which key determinant is most effective for effective school management?
(a)values and duties(b)systems and teams(c)researches and changes(d)none
(39)Who is considered the grandfather of behaviourism?
(a)B.F Skinner(b)John Dewy(c)J.B Watson(d)all of the above
(40)In case of institutes the main focus shall be at its
(41)Arm strong was the exponent of (a)problem solving method(b)project method(c)disscussion method(d)heuristic method
(42)Evaluation is an essential aspect of
(a)learning(b)teaching(c)reading(d)reading and writing
(43)Which of the following is not included in the concept of curriculum?
(a)content of curriculum(b)co-curricular activities(c)the educational administration(d)the education policy
(44)Panel dialogue is a type of (a)Discovery method(b)Discussion method(c)Lecture method(d)Demonstration method
(45)The University Grants Commission has started training programms for teachers of (a)Degree colleges(b)Universities(c)Both degree colleges and universities(d)Schools
(46)Team Teaching is a
(a)teaching method(b)teaching technique(c)teaching strategy(d)evaluation technique
(47)Three R's of punishment are_______
(48)When,what,why and how to teach is the main task of   (a)Educational philosophy(b)Educational psychology(c)Financial resources(d)Socialogical scens
(49)Inductive method helps to draw the conclusions from
(a)simple to complex(b)concrete to abstract(c)general to specific(d)specific to concrete
(50)Planned and systematic effort by open universities to provide the individuals with a second chance of education is called
(a)Formal education(b)informal education(c)Inclusive education(d)Non Formal education
(51)3 R's of Logical Consequences are (a)Respectful,Relevent,Realistic(b)Reward,Respectful,Respond(c)Reading,Writing,Arithmatics(d)none
(52)Fear, anxiety and aggression is associated with (a)Hippocampus(b)Hypothalamus(c)Amygdala(d)none
(53)What is associated with decision making and emotional responses?
(54)The ______ controls body temperature and hunger.
(55)Four levels of measurement (Nominal,Ordinal,Interval and Ratio) are given by
(a)Stanley Smith Stevens(b)Smith Stanely Shores(c)Sears(d)none
(56)Which of the following is a teacher centered philosophy?
(57)Student Centered philosophies of education are?
(a)Progressivism(b)Humanism(c)Constructivism(d)all of the above
(58)_______ focuses on developing the student's moral compass.
(59)________ is about fostering each student to his/her potential. (a)Progressivism(b)Humanism(c)Constructivism(d)all of the above
(60)_______ focuses on using education to shape a student's world view.
(61)Socially-Centered philosophy of education is (a)Reconstructionism(b)Behaviourism(c)Both(d)none
(62)Which method proceeds from general to particular, abstract to concrete and formula to examples?
(a)Inductive Method(b)Deductive Method(c)Both(d)None
(63)Which method is considered to be laborious and time consuming?
(a)Inductive Method(b)Deductive Method(c)Both(d)None
(64)Which method demands the blind memorization of a large number of formulate?
(a)Inductive Method(b)Deductive Method(c)Both(d)None
(65)In Cognitive domain, Writing a creative short story,is the example of (a)comprehension(b)application(c)synthesis(d)Both b and c
(66)In Affective domain, Understanding accepting own strengths and limitations, is the example of:
(67)In Affective domain, Recognizing for balance between freedom and responsibility in democracy, is the example of (a)receiving(b)responding(c)valuing(d)organization
(67)In Psychomotor domain, _________ includes: imitation, trial and error.
(a)perception(b)guided response(c)complex overt response(d)none
(68)In Psychomotor domain, operating computer skillfully, is the example of:
(a)mechanism(b)complex overt response(c)guided response(d)adaptation
(69)In Affective domain,Writing smoothly and legibly is the example of
(a)adaptation(b)orgination(c)mechanism(d)guided response
(70)Which method is based on sound psychological principles of law of readiness,law of exercise and law of effect?
(a)project method(b)heuristics method(c)lecture method(d)dialect method
(71)A/An_______ is an expression of long term purpose, usually over the course of one or more years: (a)aim(b)goal(c)objective(d)target
(72)A/An ________ is the outcome of a series of successful completed objectives, possibly measured over a series of days:
(73)A/An_______ is a measureable,observable behaviour of less than a day's duration:
(74)General, Intangible, Broad, Abstract and Strategic are characteristics of (a)goals(b)objectives(c)tactics(d)none
(75)Specific, Measurable, Narrow, Concrete and Tactical are characteristics of (a)goals(b)objectives(c)both(d)none
(76)Validity, reliability, usability and objectivity are ______ of a good test? (a)rules(b)types(c)characteristics(d)maxims
(77)The early roots of psychology are firmly planted in philosophy and (a)anatomy(b)logic(c)physiology(d)none
(78)Which education lays stress on practicality?
(a)formal education(b)informal education(c)non formal education
(79)Establishment of Overseas Scholarship Scheme was first focused in which education policy:
(a)Education Conference 1947(b)National Education Commission 1959(c)National Education policy 1998(d)none
(80)In which policy it was said that, Education Service Commission would be established for recruitment of teachers?
(81)What is meant by "tabula rasa"?
(a)flipped classrooms(b)tug of war(c)blank slate(d)teaching strategy
(82)The study of self determined learning is called:
(83)"Understands reversibility" is the characteristics of which Piaget's Stage
(a)preoperational(b)concrete operational(c)formal operational(d)none
(84)"People can learn to seek responsibility and prefer to be directed" is the feature of:
(a)Theory X(b)Theory Y(c)Theory Z(d)all of the above
(85)In which type of theory, employee avoid responsibility and  seek formal direction?
(a)Theory X(b)Theory Y(c)Theory Z(d)both a and b
(86)_______ theory emphasizes trust, loyalty and commitment among employees?
(a)Theory X(b)Theory Y(c)Theory Z(d)both b and c
(87)Theory Z was propounded by _____ in 1981?
(a)Wlliamson Gregor(b)Douglas Mc Gregor(c)William Ouchi(d)all of the above
(88)______ refers to the counseling process carried on to guide and support a person for his career development:
(89)A set of management attitudes that emphasizes employee participation in all aspects of decision making:
(a)Theory X(b)Theory Y(c)Theory Z(d)Both b and c
(90)Advice or a relevant piece of information given by a superior, to resolve a problem or overcome from difficulty is known as (a)guidance(b)counseling(c)Both(d)none
(91)_________ refers to a professional advice given by a counselor to an individual to help him in overcoming from personal or psychological problems:
(92)_______ is preventive in nature:
(93)_________ tends to be healing, curative or remedial:
(94)______ is taken on education and career related issues:
(a)guidance(b)counseling(c)mentoring(d)career development
(95)_____  is always one to one:
(96)A leadership style that employs rewards and punishments for motivating followers is
(a)autocratic leadership(b)transactional leadership(c)transformational leadership(d)trait theory
(97)A leadership style in which the leader employs charisma and enthusiasm to inspire his followers is (a)autocratic(b)transactional(c)transformational(d)trait theory
(98)Which leader lays emphasis on the values,ideals,morals and needs of the followers?
(a)transactional(b)transformational(c)trait(d)all of the above
(99)Trait theory is also called
(a)transactional(b)contigency theory(c)Both a and b(d)dispositional theory
(100)It is undertaken for the sake of knowledge without any intention to apply it in practice:
(a)basic research(b)applied research(c)descriptive research(d)evaluation study
(101)Which research helps in developing theories by discovering broad generalization and principles?
(a)basic research(b)descriptive research(c)exploratory research(d)all of the above
(102)Marketing research is an example of:
(a)pure research(b)applied research(c)descriptive research(d)all of the above
(103)It is a preliminary study of an unfamiliar problem about which researcher has little or no knowledge:
(a)basic research(b)action research(c)both a and b(d)exploratory research
(104)________ includes surveys and fact findings inquiries of different kinds.
(a)descriptive research(b)evaluation study(c)applied research(d)none
(105)Family planning scheme and irrigation project are the examples of :
(a)action research(b)descriptive research(c)evaluation study(d)none
(106)Which research is also known as "Ex post facto research"?
(a)descriptive research(b)analytic research(c)evaluation study(d)none
(107)The conclusions/findings of which type of research cannot be generalized to other situations:
(a)Historical research(b)Descriptive research(c)Experimental research(d)Casual comparative research
(108)Which of the following is not an example of a continuous variable?
(a)Family size(b)intelligence(c)height(d)attitude
(109)The motto of "Learning by head, hand and heart" belongs to
(a)David Ausubel(b)John Dewy(c)Lev Vygotzgy(d)Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
(110)Scaffolding theory was first introduced in 1950s by
(a)Jerome Bruner(b)Socrates(c)David Ausubel(d)none
(111)Phenomenal Based Learning is a
(a)subject based learning(b)topical learning(c)both (d)none of the above
(112)Phenomenal based learning was very popularized first in which country?(a)USA(b)England(c)Denmark(d)Finland
(113)Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a worldwide study by the(a)UNESCO(b)UNICEF(c)OECD(d)all of the above
(114)Programme for International Student Assessment(PISA) measures 15-years old school pupils scholastic performance on mathematics, science and _______ (a)IT(b)space(c)reading(d)writing
(115)The volume of water in a swimming pool is an example of (a)continuous variable(b)discrete variable(c)both (c)none of the above
(116)Age, height and weight are examples of
(a)discrete variable(b)continuous variable(c)both(d)none
(117)The volume of milk bought at a store belongs to
(a)discrete variable(b)continuous variable(c)both(d)none
(118)The volume of a milk produced by a cow belongs to (a)continuous variable(b)discrete variable(c)both(d)none
(119)Analog belongs to (a)continuous variable(b)discrete variable(c)both(d)none
(120)Chi-square test is an example of
(a)parametric test(b)non-parametric test(c)descriptive test(d)survey test
(121)How many Principles of Management were given by Henry Fayol?
(122)Who is considered as the Father of Personnel Management?
(a)Henry Fayol(b)George Elton Mayo(c)Robert Owen(d)Federick Taylor
(123)Who is known as the Father of Human Resources Management?
(a)Henry Fayol(b)George Elton Mayo(c)Peter Drucker(d)Federick Taylor
(124)Management by Objectives (MBO) was first popularized by (a)Henry Fayol(b)Peter Drucker(c)George Elton Mayo(d)none
(125)To check skill pattern of different employee groups and their career performance HR Managers usually use
(a)Gauge Charts(b)Spider and radar charts(c)column charts(d)Line charts
(126)A list of duties, working conditions, relationships, equipment and other requirements that define a particular job is called
(a) Job description(b) Job specification(c)Job design(d) Job redesign
(127)A list of the knowledge, skills and abilities needed by an employee to successfully perform each job? (a)Job description(b)Job specification(c)Job enrichment(d)Job satisfaction
(128)________ means adding more responsibilities, autonomy and control to a job:
(a)Job enlargement(b)Job enrichment(c)Job specifications(d)Job description
(129)_______ systematically collects, evaluates and organizes information about job:
(a)Job description(b)Job evaluation(c)Job analysis(d)Job specifications
(130)The right of a senior employee to replace a less senior employee in a particular assignment or job for which both employees are qualified is called (a)bumping(b)dumping(c)balance score card(d)bottleneck
(131)"30,000 foot view" is a term used in Management means:
(a)Highest management overview(b)Program management view(c)availability(d)get into the detail
(132)_______ is a performance metric used in strategic management to identify and improve various internal functions of a business and their resulting external outcomes:
(a)KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)(b)SWOT analysis(c)balance score card(d)bottleneck
(133)Jobs are described in terms of ______ core dimensions:
(134)_____ involves the degree to which a job requires completion of an identifiable piece of work:
(a)skill variety(b)task identity(c)task significance(d)autonomy
(135)____ is the degree to which a job has a substantial impact on others:
(a)skill variety(b)task identity(c)task significance(d)autonomy
(136)Participants become acquainted, meet face to face around a table and communication is direct between participants belongs to
(a)NGT(b)Delphi Technique(c)both(d)none
(137)Participants are anonymous, physical distant, never meet and communication is by written questionnairs belongs to (a)NGT(b)Delphi Technique(c)both(d)none
(138)The Forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning are stages of group development given by
(a)Jean Piaget(b)Lev Vygotysk(c)Bruce Tuckman(d)Bandura
(139)Turning of your morning alarm is an example of
(a)positive reinforcement(b)negative reinforcement(c)punishment(d)extinction
(140)______ is the extension of Maslow's Needs Hierarchy:
(a)Herzberg's Motivation Hygiene Theory(b)McClelland's Needs Theory(c)Alderfer's ERG Theory(d)all of the above
(141)Teacher student relationship influence student's learning is the example of:
(a)Null hypothesis(b)Directional hypothesis(c)Non-directional hypothesis(d)all of the above
(142)Allegory of the Cave is a famous writing of  (a)Plato(b)Socrates(c)Jhon Dewy(d)Aristotle
(143)Figurehead, Leader and Liaison roles belong to which category
(a)Interpersonal roles(b)Informational roles(c)Decisional roles(d)all of the above
(144)A theory that judges the intentions of the person's decision or activities, rather than the consequences (a)Synergy(b)Benchmarking(c)Deontology(d)Entrepreneurship
(145)SQ3R is a reading comprehension method named for its five steps: survey, question, read, recite and ______
(146)SQ3R a reading comprehension method was introduced by
(a)Francis P.Robinson(b)Aristotle(c)J.S Bruner(d)Jean Piaget
(147)The term "Andragogy" was originally coined by _______ in 1833:
(a)Alexander Kapp(b)Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy(c)Malcolm Knowles(d)Jean Piaget
(148)Who is known as Father of Andragogy?
(a)Alexander Kapp(b)John Dewy(c)Jean Piaget(d)Malcolm Knowles 

(149)Who is considered as Father of Modern Media in Education?

(a)Jean Piaget(b)Salima Begum(c)Boya Yang(d)Edgar Gale

(150)Attachement Theory was formulated by psychiatrist and psychoanalyst

(a)Sigmund Freud(b)John Bowlby(c)Jean Piaget(d)Bandura

(151)Who gave Inductive and deductive method?

(a) Aristotle (b) Socrates (c)both a and b(d)Frobel

(152) Learning+Reflection=Experience

(a)Boud's Triangular Representation (b)Greenaway's 3-Stage Model(c)Gibbs Reflective Cycle (d)all of the above

(153) Socrates was born in 470 BC and died in____

(a)569 BC(b)369 BC(c)559 BC(d)399 BC

(154) Snowball sampling is a type of

(a) probability sampling (b) non-probability sampling (c) cluster sampling (d) stratified sampling

(155)"Tone of the voice" is which form of communication

(a) verbal communication (b)non-verbal communication (c) both (d)none

(156)Score, Criteria, Level of performance and Descriptors are called______

(a) Elements of Rubric (b) Basic steps to design rubric (c) Issues in test administration (d)None

(157) Observed Score=True score+Error   belongs to which theory

(a) Classical test theory(CTT)

(b)Item response theory (IRT)

(c) Holistic theory


(158) Experiments, Surveys and Content Analysis are techniques of

(a) Qualitative Research

(b) Quantitative Research

(c) Both


(159) Field Research, Case Study and Focus Group Discussion are techniques of

(a) Qualitative Research

(b) Quantitative Research



(160) In Conflict Awareness Model, When people have different interests, but do not respond with antagonistic behaviour belongs to:

(a) Open Conflict

(b) False Conflict

(c)No Conflict

(d) Latent Conflict

(161) In Lewin's Change Management Model________ involves breaking down the existing status quo.

(a) Unfreeze

(b) Change


(d)all of the above 

(162)__________ ask What and Why?

(a) Leaders




Idioms and Phrases

(1)A pretty kettle of fish
(state of confusion,unpleasant or confusing)
(2)Blue-eyed boy
(someone who is the favourite)
(3)Cheek by jowl
(side by side,together with)
(4)Up the ante
(taking risks, to increase the stakes, to raise the price)

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(1)Which muslim country apposed Pakistan's entry into UNO? (a)afghanistan(b)nigeria(c)turkey(d)albania (2)When gathered in a group whi...

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