(1)How many days are there in a fortnight?
(2)A book 'Pathway to God' was written by (a)Ch.Khaleequzaman(b)Mahatma Gandhi(c)Maulna M.Ali Johar(d)Jawahar Lal Nehru
(3)Who is known as the Father of Accounting and Bookeeping?
(a)Luca Pacioli(b)Ibn -i-Khaldun(c)Chanakya(d)none
(4)Who is Considered as the Father of Modern Algebra?
(a)Muhammad Al-khwarzmi(b)Emmy Thoethern(c)Allan Turing(d)none
(5)Who called the English a nation of shopkeepers?(a)Hitler(b)Napolean(c)Mussolini(d)Quaid -i- Azam
(6)Tour de France is a
(a)capital name(b)multiple stage bicycle race(c)ancient french city(d)term used for french tourists
(7)Which of the following is the capital of Republic of China?
(8)Who is regarded as the Father of the Independence of six South American countries: Venezuela,Colombia,Ecuador,Panama,Peru and Bolivia?
(a)Santiago Marino(b)Simon Bolivar(c)Barnardo O'Higgins'(d)none
(9)Where is the headquarter of Asian Cricket Council (ACC) located in (a)Pakistan(b)India(c)Bangladesh(d)Sri Lanka
(10)Which of the following newspaper is called "The Gray Lady"?
(a)The New York Times(b)The Mercury News(c)The Economist(d)none
(11)Azadi Square is located in (a)Lahore(b)Tehran(c)Dhaka(d)Mumbai
(12)Xinghai Square is located in (a)Beijing(b)Shanghai(c)Dalian(d)Hotan
(13)Guru ki Nagari is the nickname of
(a)Hassan abdal(b)Nankana Sahib(c)Amritsar(d)Chakwal
(14)The Longest River Nile is an internationa river as its drainage basin covers how many countries?
(15)Harald Bluetooth was a
(a)inventor of Bluetooth(b)king of Denmark(c)Editor of a Digest(d)Computer Scientist
(16)Isan and Pak Tai are languages largely spoken in (a)Indonesia(b)Pakistan(c)Thailand(d)none of the above
(17)Vande Mataram is a _______ poem written by Bakim Chandra Chatterjee in 1870s (a)Indian(b)Bengali(c)Nepali(d)Burmi
(18)Vande Mataram poem was composed into song by
(a)Bakim Chatterjee(b)Rabindarnath Tagore(c)Chandra Gupta Jee(d)none
(19)Vande Mataram is an Indian National (a)anthem(b)song(c)both(d)none
(20)"Jana gana mana " is the National _____ of India? (a)anthem(b)song(c)poem(d)all of the above
(21)The Charles River is located in (a)Australia(b)UK(c)USA(d)India
(22)Kombucha is a
(a)new trendy drink(b)capital(c)city in africa(d)ancient ruler's name
(23)"Nokor Reach" is the national anthem of which country?
(24)"Freedom or Death" is the motto of
(a)jammu and kashmir(b)pelstine(c)greece(d)iraq
(25)Who is the founder of the Green Belt Movement?
(a)Wangari Maathai(b)Rosa Parks(c)Imran Khan(d)Xijinping
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Saturday, 17 February 2018
General Knowledge MCQS(3)
Saturday, 3 February 2018
Headmaster/Education MCQS(2)
(1)Immediate outcomes of classroom instructions are called
(2)Which from the following is not an informal assessment?
(a)assignment(b)rating scale(c)disscussion(d)observation
(3)Which of the following is not instructional material?
(a)transparency(b)video casset(c)over head projector(d)printed material
(4)Which from the following is not a formal assessment?
(5)If you would be a teacher,how would you like to behave with your students?
(a)as the conditions permit(b)autocratic(c)democratic(d)laissezfare
(6)The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactics was?
(a)John Dewy(b)Jean Piaget(c)Martin Wagenschein(d)Lev Vygotsky
(7)According to John Dewy,the teacher should guide students the way of the knowledge as a _________ in learning process?
(8)Recruiting source which is not expensive in organization
(a)advertisement(b)employment opportunities(c)employee referrals(d)temporary rental services
(9)Leadership is
(a)The ability and readiness to inspire,guide,direct others(b)process of influencing the activities of organized group(c)The activity to inspire,manage and influence in the task of goal setting(d)none
(10)The computer based teaching model has been developed by
(a)Robert Gagne(b)Helda Taba(c)Gilbert(d)Stolurow and Davis
(11)In which university micro-teaching system started in 1961? (a)Stanford university(b)Oxford university(c)Cambridge university(d)Hardvard university
(12)Traditionally, Curriculum means
(a)a list of topics for teaching(b)reading material for students(c)textual material for teachers(d)none
(13)National Education Association (NEA) belongs to (a)USA(b)Japan(c)UK(d)Australia
(14)The Socratic method is known as
(a)Demonstration method(b)Discussion method(c)Lecture method(d)Dialectic method
(15)Ibn-e-Khaldun was against which method
(a)Lecture method(b)Discussion method(c)Question answer method(d)Problem solving method
(16)Open door policy is an aid to
(a)Downward Communication(b)Upward Communication(c)Both (d)none
(17)The word "Pedagogy" means (a)to understand the child(b)to educate the child (c)to guide the child(d)to lead the child
(18)A scoring guide use to evaluate the quality of students is called (a)rubrics(b)checklist(c)rating scales(d)none
(19)As people grow older, the _______ of learning declines. (a)speed(b)power(c)quality(d)quantity
(20)Which from the following should be used to increase correct responses and appropriate behaviour?
(21)Which from the following should be used to decrease minor inappropriate behaviour?
(a)negativity(b)strict behaviour(c)ignorance(d)reward
(22)According to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an (a)good citizen(b)thinker(c)entrepreneur(d)reasoning man
(23)To educate an individual is the education of whole (a)family(b)community(c)society(d)all of the above
(24)Basic element of education system is (a)curriculum(b)student(c)instructor(d)assessment
(25)Curriculum is "the school environment in motion" was said by (a)kilpatric(b)frobel(c)tyler(d)none
Thursday, 1 February 2018
غزوات کو یاد رکهنے کا فارمولا
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ب=بدر 2هجری 624 عیسوی
ا=احد 3 هجری 625 عیسوی
ر=رجیح 4 هجری 626 عیسوی
خ=خندق 5 هجری 627 عیسوی
ح=حدیبیه 6 هجری 628 عیسوی
م=موته 8 هجری 629 عیسوی
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(1)Which muslim country apposed Pakistan's entry into UNO? (a)afghanistan(b)nigeria(c)turkey(d)albania (2)When gathered in a group whi...
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