Saturday, 30 June 2018

Headmaster/Education MCQS(3)

(1)The conclusion of a deductive argument is (a)experience(b)certain(c)probable(d)observation
(2)The truth of the conclusion of an inductive argument is (a)certain(b)probable(c)observation(d)experience
(3)According to John Dewy, schools must prepare students for
(a)present life(b)future life(c)entrepreneurship(d)research

Monday, 25 June 2018

IQ Test

(1)If the day that will dawn two days after tomorrow is Friday, what day of the week dawned two days before yesterday? (a)saturday(b)sunday(c)monday(d)tuesday

(2)A man is 5 years older than his wife who is ten times old as her daughter, if the daughter attains the age of 8 in 3 years time, what is the age of the man?
(a)35 y(b)45 y(c)50 y(d)55 y

(3)A mother tells her daughter, "I was your present age when you were born." If mother is 36 now, how old was the daughter 5 years back? (a)10 y(b)13 y(c)16 y(d)18 y

(4)If 100 cats kill 100 mice in 100 days,then 4 cats would kill 4 mice in how many days?
(a)1 day(b)4 days(c)40 days(d)100 days

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Jobs for Online Earning


(1)A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days, then leaves on Friday.How did he do it?

(2)What Starts with a P and ends with an E and has a million letters in it?

(3)Three doctors said that Robert was their brother while Robert said that he had no brothers. Who is lying?

(4)What is it when dry 2kg, when wet 1kg and burnt 3kg?

(5)Where does Friday come before Thursday?

(6)"I am black when you buy me, red when you use me and grey when you through me away? What am I?

(1)His horse's name was Friday
(2)Post Office
(3)None, the doctors were his sisters
(5)In the dictionary

Earn Cash by Participating Competition


(1)Which muslim country apposed Pakistan's entry into UNO? (a)afghanistan(b)nigeria(c)turkey(d)albania (2)When gathered in a group whi...

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