(1)An Octopus has 3 hearts, 9 brains and blue blood.
(2)Which creature never dies? (Turritopsis dohrnii Jellyfish)
(3)Which animal can live without water for life time?
(Kangaroo rat)
(4)Which animal dies when he drinks water?
(Kangaroo rat)
(5)Which insect can live without its head for a week?
(6)Which animal cries like human after being injured?
(7)Which animal cannot physically directly see towards the sky?
(8)Which animal has 3 eyes in the world?
(Tuatara Lizard)
(9)Which flower's weight is upto 10 kilogram?
(10)Which creature that dies immediately after giving birth to a child?
(11)Which creature whose heart is as big as a car?
(Blue Whale)
(12)Which animal can see even with its closed eyes?
(13)Jellyfish have no brain, heart, bones or eyes.
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Sunday, 14 October 2018
Interesting Facts
Thursday, 4 October 2018
General Knowledge MCQS(4)
(1)Who is called the "Mother of Modern Day Civil Rights Movements"?
(a)Wangari Maathai(b)Rosa Parks(c)Mother Teresa(d)none
(2)"Land of my Fathers" is the National Anthem of which country?
(3)"Unicorn" is the national _____ of scotland?
(a)Educational institution(b)animal(c)flower(d)crop
(4)A group of pandas is called a/an (a)murder(b)serene(c)embarrassment(d)ancient
(5)Nokia was originally founded in 1865 as a ______ company?
(a)computer(b)mobile(c)paper printing(d)gas
(6)Phoenix is a/an
(a)imaginary bird(b)Capital of USA state Arizona(c)Both a and b(d)Computer company
(7)A group of _____ is called an army?
(8)Where is Java?
(9)How many eyes are there on a coconut?
(10)Which feature allows you to watch more than one TV programme simultaneously?
(a)Auto turf(b)tivo(c)picture in picture(d)V-chip
(11)Which animal can live without water for life time?
(a)crocodile(b)camel(c)kangaroo(d)kangaroo rat
(12)Hippophobia is the fear of what?
(13)The Hippocampus is associated mainly with
(14)Ho Chi Minh (saigon) is the name of city and Former Prime Minister of which country?
(a)Vietnam(b)Petrograd(c)South Korea(d)China
(15)Chichen itza was located in (a)Mexico(b)Chechen Republic of lachkeria(c)Korea(d)philipine
(16)Which country is called Land of the blue sky?
(a)Pakistan(b)North Korea(c)Mangolia(d)Taiwan
(17)A place where coins are made is called
(18)Which country's president changes every year?
(19)"Crows feet" would be located what body parts?
(20)Which mountain is nicknamed the "Savage Mountain"?
(a)K2(b)Nanga Parbat(c)Mount Everest(d)Tirch Mir
(21)"Machu Picchu" is a 15th century inca citadel located in
(22)"Donkey Kong" is a
(a)animated film(b)video game(c)british rock band(d)ancient korean president
(23)The book "The Voyage of the Beagle" is written by
(a)Charles Darwin(b)Vasco da gama(c)Albert Einstein(d)Megellan
(24)A "Jiffy" is an actual unit of time for _________ of a second. (a)1/10th(b)1/100th(c)1/1000th(d)1/10000th
(25)Which city is known as city of seven islands?
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