(1)Spate (deluge,flood)
Spat (dispute,quarrel)
(2)We (hum)
Wee (thora sa,little bit)
(3)Today (aaj)
Toady (chaaploos,khushaamdi)
(4)All (tamaam,saara)
Awl (aar ya needle ya suwa seenay k liye)
(an open space in a wood or forest)
Glad (khush)
(6)Quake (kaanpna,shiver)
Quack (to cry like a duck)
(7)Google (Search engine)
Googol (10^100 or 1 followed by 100 zeroes)
(8)Metrology (science of measurement)
Meteorology (study of atmosphere)
(9)Paean (hymn of praise,anthem)
Peon (servant,unskilled laborer)
(10)Hoarse (a person's voice sounding rough and harsh)
Horse (gorra animal,stallion)
(11)Reed (sarkandda or kaanaa)
Read (parrna,study)
(12)Mesquite (a small spiny shrub of the south west)
Mosquito (insect)