Thursday, 1 November 2018

General Knowledge MCQS(5)

(1)"Big Apple" is a nickname for
(a)New York City(b)Ottawa(c)Lahore(d)Paris
(2)"Murmansk" is a famous city located in
(3)"Statue of Unity" is located in (a)USA(b)China(c)Sri Lanka(d)India
(4)What is the only bird that can move both the upper and lower parts of its beak?
(a)humming bird(b)parrot(c)owl(d)penguin
(5)What is the dropping and replacement of feathers in birds called?
(6)Name the fish that can taste with all its body?
(a)electric eel(b)star fish(c)mahaseer(d)catfish
(7)Which bird can rotate its head to 180 degrees on either side?
(a)humming bird(b)owl(c)parrot(d)none
(8)"Pingtung City" is located in
(a)People's Republic of China(b)Republic of China(c)South Korea(d)North Korea
(9)"The Srebrenica massacre" killing more than 8000 people was occurred on
(a)june 1992(b)March 1993(c)April 1994(d)July 1995
(10)What is the collective name of Vultures in flight?
(a) A Clowder(b)murder(c)A Kettle(d)mollusa
(11)A group of nightingales is called:
(12)A group of owls is called a
(13)How many total Roman numerals are?
(14)What kind of animal is a drever? (a)crow(b)monkey(c)dog(d)horse
(15)Which is the highest free standing mountain(from sea level to top) in the world?
(a)K 2(b)Mount Everest(c)Mount Kilimanjaro(d)Nanga Parbat
(16)Bramley, Granny, Smith and Russet are all types of which fruit? (a)guava(b)pomgranate(c)apple(d)grapes
(17)A word, number, phrase or ther sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as madam, racecar or the number 10801 is called?
(18)Which country financed Christopher Columbus 1492 exploration? (a)spain(b)italy(c)england(d)none
(19)Huka Falls are a set of waterfalls located in (a)Canada(b)New Zealand(c)Venzuela(d)USA
(20)A person on an internship is called
(a)intern(b)internee(c)both a and b(d)none
(21)A person who is confined as a prisoner, especially for political or military reasons is called (a)intern(b)internee(c)the pokey(d)the hoosegow
(22)Which is the only planet in our solar system to rotate clockwise?

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(1)Which muslim country apposed Pakistan's entry into UNO? (a)afghanistan(b)nigeria(c)turkey(d)albania (2)When gathered in a group whi...

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